About Set Free Ministries
History of Set Free
Memorial Day Weekend of 2009, a fire broke out in our beloved building in downtown Great Falls. The ministry guys all got out safe, but the place we had called home for so many years was no longer. It was the end of a chapter but not the end of our story.
We never missed a week of services. First Baptist Church, just a block and a half down from our building, offered us a space in their church to use as long as we needed. Saturday, June 6th, 2009, we met for the first time in the First Baptist Church. Dinner was served in the Fellowship Hall that evening and we had service in the sanctuary. The First Baptist folks used the church on Sunday mornings and we did our thing on Saturday evenings.
We grieved at the loss of what was, but we grew and we adapted while we searched for a new home. We will forever be grateful to First Baptist for generously allowing us to share space with them for 5 years.
Fast forward to July 5th, 2014 and we had our first service in our new home at 216 9th St N. We still reside there today, 10 years later.

Meet the People of Set Free
Pastor JT & Nona
Pastor JT and Nona have been married for 42 years. They have 4 daughters and 5 grandkids. JT served 4 years in the Air Force as a firefighter and 26 years as a federal firefighter. Nona worked in the Belt School for 32 years; serving as the district clerk for 22 years.
JT and Nona served as children's pastors for 5 years before starting Set Free Ministries. Encouraged by Pastor Phil Aguilar, Zonelle Thompson, Orville Kester, and other friends, Set Free started in the Westgate Shopping Mall on February 5th, 1995.

Pastors Gina & Marshall
Pastors Marshall and Gina Fiedler are the children's pastors at Set Free. They have been serving kids (and parents) with the Set Free crew since 2013. Their heart for kids and their desire to see children come to know the love of Jesus are apparent in every interaction.
Matthew 4:19 (Amplified) And He (Jesus) said to them, “Come after Me [as disciples - letting Me be your guide] follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”


Bread of Life
The Set Free food truck runs 7 days a week, 364 days a year. The only day it does not run is Christmas. The guys in the Discipleship program, along with various volunteers, pick food up at local stores, the Food Bank, and others who may call with donations. The bulk of food collected each day is distributed the same day either in the Set Free parking lot, at other churches, or at local businesses that share in helping the community.
Clothing Room
The clothing room is open two days each week, Tuesday and Friday. All items in the clothing room are given freely to those who need what might be available. All items are donated then sorted by volunteers who also help "shoppers" find what they need.

Kids Klub
Kids Klub is held each Saturday during regular Set Free services. Gina and Marshall teach about the love of Jesus in a fun environment full of crafts, toys, and other activities.
Jesus, puppets, prizes, snacks and loads of love! Look for the purple trailer and come over to see what's happening.
In House Discipleship
This program is for those looking for a way out of addiction or hard times, and looking for accountability and acceptance. The program is a 1-year commitment to the church and its ministries, with food, clothing and shelter provided by Set Free. The guys learn to serve, to ask for help from others who have walked similar paths and to trust in Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life.

Fry Bread
Pastor Bruce visits twice a month from the Fort Belknap Indian Reservation. He provides bread for the soul and Set Free provides soup and Fry Bread for the body.