Upcoming Events
Set Free Calendar
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- 1Set Free Dinner and Church5:00 pm - 7:45 pmHungry? Dinner is at 5:30 every Saturday evening. Church starts at 6:30 in the sanctuary. For questions, call 406-453-4479 or email setfreegreatfalls1@gmail.com. , ...
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- 8Set Free Dinner and Church5:00 pm - 7:45 pmHungry? Dinner is at 5:30 every Saturday evening. Church starts at 6:30 in the sanctuary. For questions, call 406-453-4479 or email setfreegreatfalls1@gmail.com. , ...
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- 15Set Free Dinner and Church5:00 pm - 7:45 pmHungry? Dinner is at 5:30 every Saturday evening. Church starts at 6:30 in the sanctuary. For questions, call 406-453-4479 or email setfreegreatfalls1@gmail.com. , ...
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- 22Set Free Dinner and Church5:00 pm - 7:45 pmHungry? Dinner is at 5:30 every Saturday evening. Church starts at 6:30 in the sanctuary. For questions, call 406-453-4479 or email setfreegreatfalls1@gmail.com. , ...
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Weekly Food Drops
12:00 pm (Noon) at 52 4th Street in Vaughn, (406)564-6247
12:00 pm (Noon) at Church of Nazarene 1727 2nd Ave S,
11:00 am sign up. Truck arrives 11 am - 12 pm at Bread of Life - Set Free 216 9th S N, (406)453-4479
11:00 am sign up. Truck arrives 11 am - 12 pm at Sunrise Court 107 51st St S
Rocky Boy Reservation
11:00 am sign up. Truck arrives 11 am - 12 pm at Bread of Life - Set Free 216 9th S N, (406)453-4479
3:00pm every other Thursday at Carter School - 438 2nd St, (406)734-5278)
4-5:30 pm every other Thursday at Sun River Valley Community Center in Fort Shaw - 13319 MT Hwy 200, (406)207-5934
11:00 am at St Anne's Cathedral
morning food boxes at Vineyard Christian Fellowship - 1617 6th Ave N
Annual Events

Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Sunday is a favorite time at Set Free! Not only is it the celebration of our Risen Lord, but it is also a fun time spent with kids in the community, sharing thousands of eggs stuffed with candy and prizes for kids ages 0-9.
Beartooth Rally at Red Lodge
Looking for a beautiful place to ride, shop and camp in Montana in July? Red Lodge is your spot and the Beartooth Rally is the time to do it with old and new friends alike. A favorite of the Servants for Christ Motorcycle Ministry, the week is spent serving the rally sponsors and all those who camp at the Red Lodge Fairgrounds or come to the Iron Horse Rodeo on Sunday afternoon.

Set Free at Sturgis
Serving ice cold water and the love of Jesus to all who stop by Jacob's Well in downtown Sturgis in the back corner of Big Al's. Come visit us and put a pin in the map! We love to talk about where you are from, where you are going and how many trips you have made to Sturgis!
Hardin Church in the Park
Worship and food in the park! A great way to spend time with friends and family and maybe meet some new folks too!

Servants for Christ Events

Bike Blessings
Need a motorcyle blessed? The Servants love to pray for you and your riders. No bike? No problem! Anything on wheels is worthy of a blessing.